5 Ways to Improve Your Health (All Under 30 Seconds)

It is Possible to be Healthy and Busy!

Are you using the excuse that you are too busy to be healthy? I don’t buy it.

We have this idea that healthy living takes a lot of time and energy. It can, but if we are feeling drained by making healthy changes then we are probably going about it in an unsustainable way. Fortunately there is another way.

Starting with small, simple steps can help us reach our bigger goals by giving us more energy, clarity, focus, and enthusiasm, and it builds our capability. Not only do we experience the benefit from our new healthy habits, we also feel the power of actually implementing something positive for ourselves. Which gives us energy and encourages us to do even more!


5 Quick Ways to Improve Your Health

  1. Drink a glass of water when you first wake up (best after you brush your teeth). This starts your day with hydration, clean energy, and detoxification. And bring water with you throughout your day! 

  2. Add leafy greens to the foods you are already eating. Why not put bok choy in your soup, kale in your smoothies, chard in your stir-fries, and spinach in your enchiladas? Greens give us a light flexible energy, detoxify, purify our blood, and make us feel great.

  3. Take deep breaths while you are driving. Taking deep breaths help us release stress, bring us back to the moment we are in and prepare us for our next task by giving us clarity, energy and focus. Best part: it is free and always with us.

  4. Exercise while getting ready in the morning: squats while brushing your teeth, lunges while brushing your hair, calf raises while reading the paper/ facebook. Basically finding opportunities throughout the day to move can help you feel more energized, strong, capable and ready for more movement.

  5. Take 30 seconds after lunch to write a friend and tell them how amazing they are. This not only supports connection with the people you love and respect (which of course is important in creating a healthy lifestyle), it also brings you more happiness through doing something nice for someone else. Giving time, money, energy, encouragement, support, and/or love is a huge factor in overall health, as it brings fulfillment. Without fulfillment we tend to try to find it through other means, like food.

Intentionally create your day by picking one of these to focus on for the next week. Then when you have that one down pick another. Healthy living does not have to require a lot of effort and be time consuming!



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